Affiliate Program

Help spread the word and
earn up to 30% recurring commission on all sales.

Join the Affiliate Program and receive up to 30% commission on all payments within the first 12 months for paying customers you refer to

How does it work?

1. Promote Machined using your branded affiliate links

Once you sign up you can create branded affiliate links to share with your audience.

2. Referrals join Machined and become customers

Once your referrals have signed up to a trial or plan, they become an active customer.

3. You earn 30% commission on every payment

You will earn commission on every payment that the customer makes over the next 12 months.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the Affiliate Program.
Who is the affiliate program for?
Our Affiliate Program is designed for marketers and influencers who want to promote our product to their audience. If you have a personal brand or a platform that you can promote us on, and an audience who would love Machined - this is for you!
How much commission can I earn?
You can earn up to 30% recurring commission - meaning your commission grows every month as long as you bring more people onboard.

For example, if you refer 50 new customers every month, your commission would build up as follows:

Month 1 = $735
Month 2 = $1,470
Month 3 = $2,205
Month 4 = $2,940
Month 12 = $8,820

Over these 12 months, you would have earned a total of $57,330

As long as you keep converting people, your monthly commission will keep rising - there is no limit to how many people you can refer or how much commission you can earn.
How can I increase my commission rate?
We don't currently offer more than 30% for our affiliate program.

However, if you are a high-profile influencer who is interested in a closer partnership, please reach out to us at
How do affiliate links work?
Affiliate links are special tags that are added to Machined URLs, which let's us know and track when your referrals sign up to Machined. You can post these links online and share them with your audience.

An example link might look like
Where can I find more details?
For a full breakdown of the fun legal stuff, check out the terms and conditions.

If you have any more questions, you can reach out to us at
Special Partnerships
If you are an influencer with a following of over 100k, please reach out to us directly, we would love to work with you!

Reach out at